Applied Technology Institute (ATI)

Applied Technology Institute (ATI) has specialized in short course technical training in satellite communications, space, defense, radar, sonar & acoustics, signal processing, and specialized engineering / systems engineering since 1984. We provide open enrollment offerings and on-sites. Our clients include DOD, government agencies, military, government and military contractors, technical industries, NASA facilities, and aerospace contractors.

ATI is offering new On-Demand Video courses.  To register for online classes, visit the On-Demand classes.

Watch the Demo of our System Engineering Fundamentals On-Demand course.

Play Demo Video


Don’t miss our BLOGS!   A new one is regularly posted with interesting and relevant information.

July 17, 2024

ATI recognizes that budgets may be tight where you work, and ATI is trying to help you be a good steward of your employer’s limited funds.  One way to save your company money is to find FREE technical training.  Another way to save your company money is to ensure that technical training budgets are spent wisely.  ATI Free-Session Webinars accomplish both of these requirements.  To learn more about our upcoming Free-Sessions, read more at .

July 1, 2024

Positioning, Navigation, and Timing – ATI Courses

Positioning, Navigation, and Timing is necessary for the functioning of the nation’s critical infrastructure.  These services are provided by The Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).  With this in mind, an Executive Order was generated to “Strengthening National Resilience through Responsible Use of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Services.”  To learn more about PNT, attend the ATI Free Webinar, and/or attend the full course Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Satellites and Their Applications.   You can learn more about both these options here.

June 27, 2024

The INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) certification is a useful and coveted milestone in the career of a Systems Engineer, demonstrating knowledge, education and experience that is of high value to industry and systems organizations.  Let ATI help you achieve this goal.

Methods of delivery

  • Open Enrollment / Schedule – If the course you are looking for is not on the Schedule, visit the COURSES page and “Register your interest now” or Contact Deb Bell at
  • Custom Course (On-Sites) ATI maintains our commitment to customizing our courses to your needs when you have 10 or more students for a class.   With prior arrangement, the Custom course offers you flexibility in date, time of class, duration (3 full days or 6 half-days, for example) and whether you want the course as-is or customized to best suit your group’s interests and goals. Also, on a case-by-case basis, we may be able to hold courses at your facility.  Depending on the number of students, you can realize a significant savings. Please contact Lisa Badart at 410-227-1284 or with any questions.

Browse Courses By Technical Areas



Here are some of our upcoming courses. Visit our ATI Schedule.

Any course with GTR is Guaranteed to run

Upcoming Free short sessions

Technical Presentation Skills, For Scientists and Engineers – Free short session – May 6, 2024 – Frank DiBartolomeo GTR

Upcoming courses


 Link 16 with Network Enabled Weapons – June 3-5, 2024 – Patrick Pierson

EMI / EMC in Military Systems – June 4-6, 2024 – Daryl Gerke

Electronic Warfare 101 – June 10-14, 2024 – David Adamy

Military Standard 810 Testing – June 17-20, 2024 – Steve Brenner

Sonar Signal Processing – June 18-20, 2024 – Bruce Newhall, Scott Hayek

Technical Presentation Skills, For Scientists and Engineers – June 26, 2024 – Frank DiBartolomeo


 Military Standard 810 Testing – July 15-18, 2024 – Boxborough, MA- Steve Brenner

Kalman, H-Infinity, and Nonlinear Estimation Approaches – Free Short Session – July 22, 2024 – Stanley Silberman

Systems of Systems – July 23-24 – William Fournier

Optical Communications Systems – July 23-26, 2024 – James Pierre Hauck

Applied Physical Oceanography – July 24-25, 2024 – David Porter


ATI is hiring instructors

ATI is looking for instructors – Are you a subject matter expert willing to prepare and present a course in satellite communications, space, defense, radar, sonar & acoustics, signal processing, or systems engineering?  Do you know someone  outstanding in any of these areas who may want to teach? ATI prides itself in having industry leaders as our instructors and we are looking for new ones. If you have interest or a referral contact Bob McLeod at 410 428 9919 or via email at