Posts by category
- Category: Acoustics & Sonar
- Sensing the Outside Environment, Beyond Acoustically
- Tracking Contacts with Sonar, TMA
- Sonar From The Air
- Target Motion Analysis, What’s That, You Ask?
- This Sounds So Cool ( See what I did there? )
- What The Heck Is TMA?
- Yeah, But What If?
- Bombers and Subs and Missiles, oh my!
- Virginia Class Attack Submarine (SSNs) Program Status and Shortfall Report to Congress
- CNN consults ATIcourses: Our instructor Vincent Capone gives interview!
- Malaysia Airlines MH370: Should $3bn. be invested to map the ocean floor?
- Malaysia Airlines flight MH370’s black-box pingers. Technical acoustic information that may be useful to reporters and researchers
- Navy commissions new submarine: USS Minnesota
- No More Blue Angels Zooming Through Annapolis Skies
- Do sounds around you effect your mood?
- Mine-Clearing Dolphins To Be Replaced By NAVY Robots
- ATI Fundamentals of Passive and Active Sonar Short Course
- Was A Killer Whale Killed By NAVY Exercises?
- ATI’s Top 5 Engineering Course Samplers of 2011
- Psssst…What Have You Heard about ATI’s Acoustics Course?
- ATI’s Practical Statistical Signal Processing — using MATLAB, January 9-12, 2012 (Laurel, MD)
- Why are Submarines Painted Black?
- Do You Resonate with Shock, Noise and Vibration?
- Probing the Ocean for Submarines. A History of the AN/SQS-26 Long-Range, Echo-Ranging Sonar.
- Interested in submarines? Learn more about USS Virginia
- ATI Offers Submarines and Anti-Submarine Warfare
- The Advent of Submarine Warfare
- The Evolution Of The Submarine As A Warship
- TORPEDOS LOS! -The Efficacy of Submarine Warships.
- Did You “Hear” About the Underwater Acoustical Courses at ATI?
- ATI Offers Advanced Courses Sonar and Submarine Engineering
- Does Sonar Testing Causes Whales To Beach Themselves?
- The USS Virginia – America’s Newest Nuclear Sub
- Category: ANALYSIS
- Category: Analysis and Signal Processing
- Category: antennas
- Category: Artemis
- Category: artificial intelligence
- Category: astropolitics
- Category: asw
- Category: blog
- Category: Business
- Category: business essentials
- Category: Continuing Education and Seminar Marketing
- Category: Counter UAS
- Category: critical infrastructure
- Category: Critical Infraturucture
- Category: CSEP
- Category: Cyber Security
- Category: Cyberspace
- Category: deep learning
- Category: Defense, Including Radar, Missiles and EW
- Counter UAS Operations
- Optical Communications Systems
- Rockets and Launch Vehicles
- Designing Satellite Systems with a Link Budget
- Composites In Aerospace
- Field Testing Can Be A Blast
- Game Changer
- Radar Keeping Your Car Safe
- Hand-Held Radar Detects Jet?
- Quality, Precision, Performance – UAS’s, the future of conventional and shadow wars is here.
- New Threats Cause Electronic Warfare to Evolve
- Examples Of Before and After Imagery That Can Assist In Response Recovery and Rebuilding Operation Planning and Assessment.
- Protecting the Soldier: U.S. Army Orders More Q-53 Counterfire Radars from Lockheed Martin
- Report to Congress on Iran’s Foreign and Defense Policies
- First SPY-6(V) Radar BMD Test
- Free EMI Workshop- Prevent EMI Problems
- U.S. Naval Academy Videos
- Cole Attack – 12 October 2000 and Mason Missile Attack Oct 11, 2016
- Storing Terabytes of TS Documents at Home Is Not A Good Idea!!
- Russian Frigate Yaroslav Mudryy Harasses the San Jacinto
- ISIS hackers respond to US cyberattacks with threat
- Defiant North Korea launches a space rocket
- Anonymous #OpISIS: Can Cyber Warfare Win the War on Terror?
- U.S. NAVY: New Museum Drone and Strategic Malpractice
- US Weapons Program Under Cyber Seige: ATI’s Cyber Security Expert Gives His Opinion
- The FAA Won’t Release Drone Regulations Until 2017, Which Is Absurd and a Problem
- More Thoughts on the Mystery in the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Shoot Down
- Thoughts on the Mystery in the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Shoot Down
- From launch to kaboom, here’s the video of the missile test that launched a 1,000 smiles
- US to send first element of anti-missile system in Europe to Romania
- Lockheed Martin Vs Raytheon or Who Gets Navy Air and Missile Defense Radar AMDR contract
- What is the Future of Cyber Security?
- Large Displacement Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (LDUUV)- Experts To Report On October 16, 2013
- Look! Up in the sky! 10,000 drones in US by 2020
- Earth’s Surface Examined By Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR)
- USS Freedom Still Slated To Deploy Next Month Despite Sequestration
- The lives of Michigan residents are about to improve: nearly $1 billion in defense contracts granted!
- Do You Know the Key Differences between Gimballing and Strapdown Intertial Navigation Systems?
- Raytheon to upgrade US Navy’s 20-year-old analog air traffic control radars with modern, digital technology
- New Northrop radar passes key tests
- Cyber warfare on the rise. ATI offers information.
- President Obama Wants Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in an Airspace Near You!
- Do You Get Shaken and Stirred with MIL-STD-810G?
- Defense Budgets: Will It Be Army versus Navy versus Air Force
- ATI Announces New Course, Theory and Fundamentals of Cyber Warfare
- Big & Scary “Shady Rat”: Massive Cyber-Spying Operation. Are You In Danger?
- DOD cyber defense plan: secure internet OR government controlled internet?
- Another step in China’s troubling military buildup. aircraft carrier testing to start in July
- New Mini-Munitions Will Soon Eliminate Civilian Casualties and Collateral Damage
- Another Accomplishment for Lockheed Martin: Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile Blocked by Aegis BMD
- How dangerous is China? Arms buildup, near coast aggressiveness, cyber attacks and refurbished Soviet aircraft carrier.
- ATI’s GPS Technology – Solutions for Earth & Space Course is to be presented in Laurel, MD on March 14-17, 2011
- More information about the Russian Nerpa submarine and its accident
- This article from Reuters for readers interested in defense, submarines and underwater acoustics.
- AUVs Cannot Fly Through Red Tape.
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Department of Defense FY 2010 Budget
- Arleigh Burke Class DDG 108 Named for Wayne Meyer, a former ATI instructor
- Global Digital Elevation Map Released to The Public
- ATIcourses students interested in defense will be interested to learn that the USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) successfully completed its ship trial.
- Workers For The U.S. Satellite Industry
- Seeking Sea Based Strategic Deterrence and Future SSBNs
- Category: digital engineering
- Category: digital twin
- Category: Diversity
- Category: electronic warfare
- Category: Free Sessions
- Category: General
- Becoming An Effective Speaker
- UAVs, A Technology Ripe For Innovative Thinking
- Systems Engineering Changes to Be Aware of at INCOSE and ATI
- The Difference Between Oppenheimer’s Bomb and Today’s Nuclear Weapons
- Psyched for Mission PSYCHE
- Multi-Target Tracking
- Yep, We Really Train Rocket Scientists!
- The McLeod Postulate
- The Four Shuns
- Innovating With Radar
- Enabling Powerful Internet Of Things ( IOTs)
- System of (System of Systems)
- These Probes are Out of This World
- Real Life Sometimes Imitates Fiction
- MBSE Is The Answer
- Advances in Satellite Antenna Technology
- International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
- UAVs at the 2020 Olympics
- You’re Going To The Moon, Alice
- SPACEX Is At It Again
- ATI Announces NEW FREE short course sessions
- In Memory of Thomas Stanley Logsdon
- LEGO”S New Market: Mindfulness for Stressed-out Adults
- The World Is Changing, So Maybe ATI Should Too.
- Apollo Trash Talk
- Welcome to the US Space Force, ATI is here to support you
- Recall That Curiosity Rover Was Delivered to Mars by an ATLAS Rocket in 2011
- Wow, just Wow!
- NASA Wants Your Help to Name a Space Object, What Could Go Wrong
- NASA Center Directors Launch World Series Bragging Rights Duel
- Baseball Predictions and Home-Team Hopes
- Government Shutdown: U.S. Budget Crisis Looms (Again)
- Fun Fishing Times On Chesapeake Bay!
- Stunning Space Station photo of glowing auroras
- Super-Moon Photos and Facts
- Highlights from a Recent INCOSE Gathering
- 36 Work Cartoons to Help You Get Through the Week
- Eric Clapton, Tom Logsdon, & the Kitchen Stove: A Tiny Tale of Creativity & Innovation
- We’re filling a cart for Maryland’s hungry!
- Ground Control to Scotchie
- Volunteer Day at HFHC
- Windows vs. Ford
- Seeking to be Good Samaritans to The Samaritan Women
- Sequestration and the real world
- Have a question for the astronaut? Ask away on Google+ Hangout!
- Defense Agency Has Breaking News on Santa
- This Maybe One Class You WANT to Blow Up in Your Face Monday, November 07, 2011
- A touch of madness
- Not so Goodnight Irene: Tree Totals Lisa’s Home
- Do you want to win a trip to space? Here is your chance.
- Are the astronauts having sex in space? What do we know and think.
- ODU: Navy engineers should see the big picture
- AeroVironment Receives $46.2 Million Order for Raven UAS and Digital Retrofit Kits
- Are You Thinking About Updating Your Technical Skills?
- Our Technical Conferences – a Valuable and Vital Resource
- Watching an Apple Falling from a Tree
- Navy Sonar and Marine Mammals off Hawaii
- Best Books For Acoustics
- Thermal & Fluid Systems Modeling Course
- Welcome to the ATIcourses Blog
- Category: GPS Technology
- Category: INCOSE
- Category: innovation
- Category: internet of things
- Category: Mapping
- Category: mbse
- Category: modeling and simulation
- Category: multi target tracking
- Category: Navigation
- Category: Navy News
- Category: nuclear weapons
- Category: Ocean Observing Systems OOS
- Category: On Demand
- Category: optical communications systems
- Category: PNT
- Category: pyrotechnic shock testing
- Category: radar
- Category: Rockets
- Category: Satellite 2024
- Category: satellite communications
- Category: Satellites
- Category: SDR
- Category: software defined radio
- Category: sonobuoys
- Category: Space and Satellites
- Category: space exploration
- Category: Space Symposium
- Category: Spcae Debris
- Category: strategic deterrence
- Category: submarines
- Category: Systems Engineering & Project Management
- Category: Systems Engineering and Project Management
- Category: Tactical ISR
- Category: Target Motion Analysis
- Category: Technical Training
- Category: toolbox
- Category: UAV design
- Category: Uncategorized
- Category: Underwater Acoustics and Sonar
- Category: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
- Category: unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)
- Category: Warfare Analysis
- Category: wireless
- How to Fight and Win Space Wars Lecture Free Short Session
- How to Fight and Win Space Wars Lecture
- Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Testing of Composite Structures
- Ten Principles for Successful Space Programs (TenP)
- Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Testing of Composite Structures - Free short session
- Hypersonic Missile Design
- Course Overviews
- Digital Engineering free short session
- Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Testing of Composite Structures
- Digital Engineering
- GPS, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Satellites and Their Applications - Free short session
- INCOSE SEP Exam Preparation Course [Self-Paced Video version]
- Data Visualization and Analysis Workshop Advanced
- TTNT and Link 16
- Kalman, H-Infinity, and Nonlinear Estimation Approaches – Free Short Session
- GPS, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Satellites and Their Applications
- Technical Presentation Skills, For Scientists and Engineers - Free short session
- Technical Presentation Skills, For Scientists and Engineers
- Positioning, Navigation and Timing Satellites: An Introduction to Global Navigation Satellite System and Their Applications
- Designing Wireless Sensor Solutions for Tactical ISR - Free short session
- Designing Wireless Sensor Solutions for Tactical ISR
- Project Management Fundamentals-Expanded (PMFx)
- Military Standard 810 Testing - Fürstenfeldbruck Germany (Munich)
- Embedding Wireless Sensor Networking (WSN) in Tactical Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance (T-ISR) _ FREE SHORT SESSION
- Business Essentials for Scientists and Engineers - Free short session
- Embedding Wireless Sensor Networking (WSN) in Tactical Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance (T-ISR)
- Business Essentials for Scientists and Engineers
- Sonobuoy Technology for Air ASW and Beyond - Free short session
- Sonobuoy Technology for Air ASW and Beyond
- Accelerating Team Performance – (ATP)
- Program Management Leadership - (PML) - Free short session
- Program Management Leadership - (PML)
- Project Management Essentials – (PME)
- Project Management Fundamentals – (PMF) - Free short session
- Project Management Fundamentals – (PMF)
- Modeling & Simulation in the Systems Engineering Process - Free Short Session
- Tailoring Systems Engineering for Risk, Issues, and Opportunities Free Short Session
- AESA Radar Systems
- Tailoring Systems Engineering for Risk, Issues, and Opportunities
- Sonar Principles and ASW Analysis - Free short session
- Applied Physical Oceanography Free short Session
- Data Visualization Using R
- Nuclear Weapons and Strategic Deterrence - Free short session
- Nuclear Weapons and Strategic Deterrence
- Rockets & Launch Vehicles - Selection & Design Free short session
- Cyberspace Operations – Homeland Defense and Security and Joint Cyberspace Operations – Strategy, Policy, and Doctrine – Free short session
- Joint Cyberspace Operations – Strategy, Policy, and Doctrine
- Cyberspace Operations – Homeland Defense and Security
- Launch Vehicle Design, Selection, Performance, & Use - Free short session
- Space Electronic Warfare
- Advancing Your Career By Publishing Your Research
- Cybersecurity Foundations course - Free short session
- Systems of Systems - Free short session
- Applied Physical Oceanography
- Astropolitics - Free short session
- Radar-Basic Principles
- Systems Engineering Fundamentals - ON-DEMAND
- Business Management for Scientists and Engineers Free short session
- Business Management for Scientists and Engineers
- Antenna and Array Fundamentals - Free short session
- Wireless Communications and Spread Spectrum Free short session
- Introduction to Network Planning and Design - Crash Course
- Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol - Crash Course
- Understanding Link 16 Enhanced Throughput - Crash Course
- Introduction to MIDS Baseline Upgrade-2 - ALWAYS AVAILABLE
- Functional and Bus Input/Output Messages and MIDS/JTRS Platform Types - ALWAYS AVAILABLE
- Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol - ALWAYS AVALIBLE
- Network Enabled Weapons: ALWAYS AVAILABLE
- Concurrent Multi-Netting / Concurrent Contention Receive - ALWAYS AVAILABLE
- Understanding Link 16 Enhanced Throughput - ALWAYS AVALIBLE
- Introduction to MIDS Baseline Upgrade-2 - Crash Course
- Certified Systems Engineering Professional - CSEP Preparation - FREE short session
- Notching and Force Limiting Workshop (NFLW)
- Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance (3 Days)
- Link 16 Advanced with Network Enabled Weapons
- Laser RADAR and Applications
- Electronic Warfare ELINT Receivers
- Compressors and their Drivers
- MIDS JTRS and Baseline Upgrade-2 Capabilities
- Passive and Active Sonar – Fundamentals
- Acoustics Fundamentals and Measurements with Air-borne Noise Monitoring
- Astropolitics: The Human Relationship to the Space Enterprise
- Radar Systems Design and Engineering
- Naval Weapons Principles
- Kalman Fundamentals
- Satellite Link Budget Training on the Personal Computer – GEO and non-GEO, L through Q/V bands
- Acoustics Fundamentals, Measurements with Underwater Applications
- Underwater Acoustics for Biologists & Conservation Managers
- Submarines & Submariners: An Introduction
- Sonar Principles and ASW Analysis
- Sonar & Target Motion Analysis - Fundamentals
- Random Vibration & Shock Testing - Fundamentals
- Ocean Optics -Fundamentals
- Acoustics Fundamentals, Measurements, and Applications
- Vibration Testing of Small Satellites (VTSS)
- Spacecraft Thermal Control
- Space Systems Fundamentals
- Satellite Communications - State of Art
- Leadership for Accelerating Innovation in Space Systems
- Launch Vehicle Design, Selection, Performance, & Use
- Geomatics - GIS, GPS & Remote Sensing
- Satellite Communications Systems - Advanced
- Model-Based Systems Engineering
- Project Management Fundamentals ( PMF)
- Modeling & Simulation in the Systems Engineering Process
- Cost Estimating
- Wavelets Analysis: A Concise Guide
- Statistics With Excel Examples - Fundamentals
- Kalman & State Estimation Workshop
- Internet of Things – Hands-On Development Using Systems Engineering
- Design for EMC
- Computational Electromagnetics
- Applied Measurement Engineering
- Cybersecurity Foundations
- Unmanned Air Vehicle Design
- Wireless Sensor Networking Solutions for Tactical ISR
- Tactical Battlefield Communications Electronic Warfare
- Rockets & Launch Vehicles - Selection & Design
- Rockets & Missiles Fundamentals
- Rocket Propulsion 101
- Radar Systems Fundamentals
- Pyrotechnic Shock Testing, Measurement
- Microwave Remote Sensing
- Link 16 / JTIDS / MIDS
- Explosives Technology & Modeling
- Electronic Warfare Against the New Threat Environment
- Electronic Warfare 101
- Antenna Fundamentals
- System Architecting with SysML
- Systems Engineering - Fundamentals
- Military Standard 810 Testing
- Systems of Systems
- Structural Test Design and Interpretation for Aerospace (STDI)
- Structural Design and Analysis for Aerospace Engineers (SDA)
- Space Missions Fundamentals
- Earth Station and Terminal Design
- Space Mission Structures , from Concept to Launch (SMS)
- Software Defined Radio: Practical Applications
- Satellite Communications - Introduction
- Requirements Development & Management
- Link 16 with Network Enabled Weapons
- Kalman, H-Infinity, and Nonlinear Estimation Approaches
- EMI / EMC in Military Systems
- New Directions in Remote Sensing
- Ground System Design and Operations
- Design and Analysis of Bolted Joints (DABJ)
- Deep Learning Architectures for Defense and Security
- Certified Systems Engineering Professional - CSEP Preparation
- Composite Materials for Aerospace
- Applied Test and Evaluation
- Applied Systems Engineering
- Antenna and Array Fundamentals
- Aircraft Design: Configuration Layout, Loft, & CAD
- Aircraft Conceptual Design
- Multi-Target Tracking & Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
- Optical Communications Systems
- Space Environment: Implications for Spacecraft Design
- Satellite Communications Design and Engineering
- Sonar Signal Processing
- Fürstenfeldbruck Germany (Munich)
- Boxborough, MA
- Denver, CO
- Williamsburg, VA
- NTS Silicon Valley, CA
- Huntsville, AL
- Thales Group, Australia
- NAWC, China Lake
- WestGate Academy
- Toptester Oy, Rovaniemi Finland
- Chicago IL
- Westpak, Inc San Diego, CA
- NTS Plano, TX
- Colorado Springs CO
- Newark, CA
- Tempe, AZ
- NTS Fullerton, CA
- NTS Boxborough, MA
- NTS Orlando, FL
- NTS Santa Clarita, CA
- Westpak Labs in San Diego.
- Sandia-NM
- RT Logic
- Virtual - LIVE
- The Marriott