Acoustics From A to Z
1 226 downloads
An examination of the science and art of acoustics. Course Sampler Documents August 7, 2019
Advanced Satellite Communications Systems
1 229 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Advanced Topics In Digital Signal Processing
1 163 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Advanced Topics in Digital Signal Processing 2
1 133 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Advanced Undersea Warfare
1 131 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Advanced Undersea Warfare II
1 89 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Aerospace Simulations In C++
1 382 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
AESA Airborne Radar Theory and Operations
1 249 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Antenna and Array Fundamentals
1 240 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Applications Oriented Kalman Filtering
1 120 downloads
Course material to discuss matrix identities, derive Kalman filter algorithms, and discuss alternate form (Alternate Gain Expression) of the Kalman filter. Course Sampler Documents August 7, 2019
Applied Measurement Engineering
1 81 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Applied Physical Oceanography and Modeling
1 77 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
ATI High Level Wireless Digital Communications
1 82 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
ATI Space Environment Effects On Space Systems
1 81 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
ATI Space Radiation And Effects On Space Systems Astronauts
1 76 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Attitude Determination Control
1 105 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Bioastronautics Space Exploration Effects on Human Body
1 71 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Building High Value Relashionships
1 64 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
C4ISR Requirements Principles And Systems
1 166 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Communications Payload Design
1 123 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Computational Electromagnetics
1 91 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Course Sampler Cover
1 46 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
CSEP Acquisition
1 65 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
CSEP Preparation
1 64 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Design and Analysis of Bolted Joints (DABJ) course book-Feb2022
1 132 downloads
Course Sampler Documents February 28, 2022
Developments in Mine Warfare
1 69 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Digital Signal Processing
1 85 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Directed Infrared Countermeasures DIRCM Principles
1 84 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Elint Interception Analysis 2
1 59 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
ELINT Interception And Analysis
1 91 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Email Tips
1 37 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Engineering Systems Modeling With Excel VBA
1 86 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Exploring Data Visualization
1 59 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Exploring The Deep Historical Roots Of The GPS Revolution
1 49 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Fundamental Units
1 176 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Fundamentals Of Engineering Probability
1 69 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Fundamentals Of Passive/Active Sonar
1 82 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Fundamentals Of Rockets And Missiles
1 384 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Fundamentals Of Space Systems And Space Subsystems
1 94 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Fundamentals Of Telecommunications
1 75 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Fundamentals of Telecommunications 2
1 71 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Fundamentals Orbital Launch Mechanics
1 123 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Geodetic Surveying – Fixing Your Property Boundaries With Precision
1 62 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Geographic Information Systems – Finding More Effective Ways To Manage Information
1 1495 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
GPS Technology
1 96 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Ground System Design And Operation
1 88 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Grounding Shielding For EMC
1 86 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Harnessing The Enormous Power of Differential Navigation
1 62 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
How Do Our Clients Use CONOPS
1 53 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Hyper And Multi-spectral Imaging
1 62 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Improving Report Writing
1 82 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Improving Technical Writing
1 70 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Instrumentation For Test And Measurement
1 64 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Interferomentry Techniques Extracting Useful Information From GPS Carrier Waves
1 1749 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Intro to Controls
1 67 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Introduction To EMI
1 135 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
IP Networking Over Satelite
1 61 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Launch Vehicle Reusable
1 62 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Launch Vehicle Selection, Perf And Design
1 89 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Mechanics of Underwater Noise
1 60 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Michael Summers – The Planetary Zoo
1 54 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Missile Autopilots
1 106 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Modern Missile Analysis
1 143 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Naval Applications Of Ocean Optics
1 40 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Optical Communications
1 69 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 16, 2019
Overview of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
1 69 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Overview of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Powerpoint
1 227 downloads
Powerpoint (ppt) presentation of the history and evolution of the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV).  Studies various types of vehicles including Raven, Shadow, Predator, and others. Presentations, Course Sampler Documents August 7, 2019
Practical EMI Fixes
1 77 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Practical Signal Processing using MATLAB
1 92 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Propagation Effects for Radar & Comm
1 85 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Quantitative Methods For Project Management
1 55 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Radar Signal Analysis Processing Using MATLAB
1 90 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Radar Systems Analysis Design Using MATLAB
1 94 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Radar Systems Design Engineering Course
1 110 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Reducing Space Launch Cost
1 59 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Remote Sensing Information Extraction
1 1535 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Risk Assessment And Management
1 68 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Sat Comm Sys Engineering
1 72 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Satellite Comm Intro
1 79 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Satellite RF Comms
1 77 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Satellite RF Communications
1 97 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Self Organizing Wireless Networks
1 49 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Signal Image Processing For Scientists Engineers
1 64 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Six Degrees Of Freedom In Aerospace Simulation
1 124 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Six Simple Creative Solutions That Shook The World
1 94 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Software Defined Radio
1 82 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Sonar Principles ASW Analysis
1 69 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Space Environment
1 81 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Space Mission Analysis Design
1 100 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Space Power Systems
1 63 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Space Radiation And Its Effects On Space Systems And Astronauts
1 53 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Space Systems And Space Subsystems Fundamentals
1 66 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Space Systems Fundamentals
1 88 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Space Systems Intro
1 69 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Spacecraft QA Integration And Test
1 61 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Spacecraft Radiation Protection
1 66 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Spacecraft RF comms Sample Slides
1 62 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Spacecraft Thermal Control
1 85 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Striking It Rich In Space
1 65 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Submarines And Their Combat Systems
1 81 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Synthetic Aperture Radar – Fundamentals
1 84 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 17, 2019
Synthetic Aperture Radar Advanced
1 76 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
System Engineering-People Dimension
1 77 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Systems Engineering For Engineering Department And Program Managers
1 87 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Systems Engineering Toolkit
1 72 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Systems Requirements
1 68 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Tactical Missile Design
1 249 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
1 56 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Technical CONOPS
1 71 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
The Global Positioning System and Mapping Our Big, Wide, Wonderful World
1 59 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Thermal And Fluid Systems Modeling with Excel-VBA
1 73 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Top Five Systems Engineering Issues In Defense Industry
1 100 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 20, 2019
Total Systems Engineering Development Management
1 64 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Underwater Acoustic Modeling And Simulation
1 66 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Underwater Acoustics For Biologists And Conservation Managers
1 47 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Universal Architecture Description Framework
1 77 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
1 72 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Fundamentals
1 95 downloads
History and evolution of the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV).  Studies various types of vehicles including Raven, Shadow, Predator, and others. Course Sampler Documents August 7, 2019
Using GIS Technolgy To Grow Bigger Beets
1 36 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Using GPS Technology To Protect Gambria Territorial Waters
1 42 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Value Of Systems Engineering SECOE Research Project
1 54 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 20, 2019
Vibration And Noise Control
1 90 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Vibration Shock Measurement
1 110 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Wavelets – A Conceptual Approach
1 128 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019
Wireless Comm And Spread Spectrum Design
1 88 downloads
Course Sampler Documents July 18, 2019