Welcome to the ATIcourses Blog
The Applied Technology Institute’s delivers the highest quality professional development continuing education training. We provide courses at public seminars throughout the United States and on-site training at your location anywhere in the world. This blog provides additional information for ATI students and instructors. Links and white papers will be posted in the areas of Acoustics, Radar, Missiles, […]
The Applied Technology Institute’s delivers the highest quality professional development continuing education training. We provide courses at public seminars throughout the United States and on-site training at your location anywhere in the world.
This blog provides additional information for ATI students and instructors. Links and white papers will be posted in the areas of Acoustics, Radar, Missiles, Space and Satellites, and Systems Engineering will be posted. Our courses keep you current with technology needed to provide better, faster and cheaper solutions for complex DOD and NASA systems. We are up-to-date about the latest developments and projects in spacecraft and sonar, radar and Navy technology.
ATI was founded in 1984. It provides a full curriculum of courses needed to understand today’s technology in leading edge applications. In a typical year 50 to 60 public courses are presented (15 space, 20 acoustics and sonar, and 15 to 25 in other technical specialty areas).
World Class Faculty
ATI’s instructors are world-class experts. They are the best in the business, averaging 25 to 35 years of experience, and are carefully selected for their ability to explain advanced technology in a readily understandable manner. Each instructor continues to work at least 80 percent of his or her time in the technology he or she teaches. The courses are proven and have been presented many times. The materials are updated frequently to reflected the latest developments and state-of-the-art technologies.
James W. Jenkins is the founder and executive director of ATI. He maintains a close contact with the classes and training personnel to ensure that you the client are completely satisfied. He continues to teach several classes and attends the majority of public seminars in order to maintain the high standard of excellence for which ATI is known. He has been organizing and presenting professional development training programs since 1977. Mr. Jenkins is a senior physicist with degrees from Gettysburg College (physics and mathematics) and the University of Wisconsin (physics).
You may also call 410-956-8805 or toll free 1-888-501-2100 for additional information or to get on the mailing list for our Course Catalogs.
Jim Jenkins

As an instructor, I’ve found ATI to be very responsive to feedback and suggestions. This blog seems like a good way to share ideas about existing courses, new courses, supplemental resources, methods of delivery, etc.
One topic on my mind is how organizations are changing their training habits in the current environment. Are there increased restrictions on traveling? Is bringing courses in-house being emphasized more? Is there an increased need for self-study packages? Are newer delivery techniques such as webinars an effective option?
Feedback on these trends can help ATI and its instructors react to changing training needs and tailor appropriate course content and delivery. Comments are quick and easy to submit… try it out!