It is a known fact that the question of sex in space bothered quite a good percentage of Earth’s population for a long time now. The human species are sexual by nature. We have been sending our astronauts to space for 50 years now. Are the sexual tension that builds up make them horny? Do […]

It is a known fact that the question of sex in space bothered quite a good percentage of Earth’s population for a long time now. The human species are sexual by nature. We have been sending our astronauts to space for 50 years now. Are the sexual tension that builds up make them horny? Do some get caught using sex toys like those from So, here are the main questions:
- Have the most basic human act been performed in space?
- If “yes”, than by whom?
- How would that work?
- Can a human child be conceived?
The below are the answers we were able to find
- According to former astronaut Leroy Chiao the answer is “No” for American space fliers and also “No” for Russian cosmonauts according to Valery Bogomolov, the deputy director of the Moscow-based Institute of Biomedical Problems.
- Past discussions often included attempts to determine the veracity of speculations (e.g., about the STS-47 mission, on which married astronauts Mark C. Lee and Jan Davis flew), and even hoaxes, such as Document 12-571-3570 Also, there were romantic dramas back on Earth, for instance William Oefelein and Lisa Nowak. Nowak was arrested in 2007 for allegedly attacking a woman she viewed as a rival for Oefelein’s affections.
- The primary issue to be considered in off-Earth reproduction is the lack of a 1G gravitational field. However, Vanna Bonta invented a 2Suite (see pic above), designed to facilitate effortless intimacy in the weightless environments such as outer space, or on planets with low gravity.
- Studies conducted on reproduction of mammals in microgravity include experiments with rats.

Although the fetus developed properly, the rats that developed in microgravity lacked the ability to right themselves. Another study examined mouse embryo fertilization in microgravity. Although both groups resulted in healthy mice, the authors noted that the growth rate was slower for the embryos fertilized in microgravity than for those in normal gravity.
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