Do you Need Active or Passive Sonar?
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Advanced Topics in Underwater Acoustics and Warfare
From active versus passive sonar to nuclear versus diesel submarines; how are you keeping up with the latest advances in underwater acoustics and warfare?
These two four-day short courses summarize both basic and “leading-edge” topics. In each class, the basics principles are reviewed and then current achievements and challenges are addressed.
The aim of the instructors is to make available practical results and lessons-learned in a tutorial form suitable for a broad range of people working in underwater acoustics and warfare. The course is designed for sonar systems engineers, combat systems engineers and undersea warfare professionals who wish to enhance their understanding and become familiar with the “big picture”.
Why not take a short course from ATI?
Since 1984, the Applied Technology Institute (ATI) has provided leading-edge public courses and onsite technical training. ATI short courses are less than a week long and are designed to help you keep your professional knowledge up-to-date. Our courses provide a practical overview of space and defense technologies which provide a strong foundation for understanding the issues that must be confronted in the use, regulation and development of complex systems.
Whether you are a busy engineer, a technical expert or a project manager, you can enhance your understanding of complex systems in a short time. You will become aware of the basic vocabulary essential to interact meaningfully with your colleagues.
Course Outline, Samplers, and Notes
These two advanced courses provide an in-depth treatment, taught by experts in the field, of the latest results in a selection of core topics of underwater acoustics and warfare.
After attending either of these courses, you will receive a full set of detailed notes from the class for future reference, as well as a certificate of completion. Please visit our website for more valuable information.
Course Objectives:
• Provide a general understanding of ocean acoustics and sonar principles
• Make attendees conversant with all aspects of ocean acoustics and sonar technology, engineering and performance assessment in the context of naval applications.
• Provide detailed, critical knowledge for understanding of basic concepts in ocean acoustics, physics and modeling, transduction technology and engineering, processing for sonar signal detection and estimation, and sonar system design and performance assessment.
• Provide understanding of the design, development and use of the acoustic propagation modeling software.
• Provide information and perspectives on new and emerging sonar technology and techniques and new sonar system configurations and functions.
Advanced Undersea Warfare (USW) covers the latest information about submarine employment in future conflicts. The course is taught by a leading innovator in submarine tactics. The roles, capabilities and future developments of submarines in littoral warfare are emphasized.
The technology and tactics of modern nuclear and diesel submarines are discussed. The importance of stealth, mobility, and firepower for submarine missions are illustrated by historical and projected roles of submarines. Differences between nuclear and diesel submarines are reviewed. Submarine sensors (sonar, ELINT, visual) and weapons (torpedoes, missiles, mines, special forces) are presented.
Advanced USW gives you a wealth of practical knowledge about the latest issues and tactics in submarine warfare. The course provides the necessary background to understand the employment of submarines in the current world environment.
This short course is valuable to engineers and scientists who are working in R&D, or in testing of submarine systems. It provides the knowledge and perspective to understand advanced USW in shallow water and regional conflicts.
Determine for yourself the value of this course before you sign up.
Slide Sampler USW#1
Slide Sampler USW #2
About ATI and the Instructors
Our mission here at ATI is to provide expert training and the highest quality professional development in space, communications, defense, sonar, radar, and signal processing. We are not a one-size-fits-all educational facility. Our short classes include both introductory and advanced courses.
ATI’s instructors are world-class experts who are the best in the business. They are carefully selected for their ability to clearly explain advanced technology.
ATI’s Advanced Topics In Underwater Acoustics Course Instructors
Dr. Duncan Sheldon earned his PhD Degree in 1969. He has over twenty-five years’ experience in the field of active sonar signal processing. His experience includes real-time direction at sea of surface sonar assets during ‘free-play’ NATO ASW exercises. He was also a sonar supervisor during controlled and ‘free-play’ NATO ASW exercises.
Paul C. Etter has worked in the fields of ocean-atmosphere physics and environmental acoustics for the past thirty- five years supporting federal and state agencies, academia and private industry. He is the author or co-author of more than 180 technical reports and professional papers addressing environmental measurement technology, underwater acoustics and physical oceanography. Mr. Etter is the author of the textbook Underwater Acoustic Modeling and Simulation (3rd edition).
Dr. Harold “Bud” Vincent has served on active duty on fast attack and ballistic missile submarines, worked at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, and conducted advanced R&D in the defense industry. Dr. Vincent received the M.S. and Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering (Underwater Acoustics) from the University of Rhode Island. His teaching and research encompasses underwater acoustic systems, communications, signal processing, ocean instrumentation, and navigation. He has been awarded four patents for undersea systems and algorithms.
Dr. John P. Ianniello received his Ph. D. Degree in Physical Oceanography from the University of Connecticut in 1977. He has been a member of the Underwater Acoustics Signal Processing Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society since 1980. He has received a number of awards including the American Society of Naval Engineers Solberg Award for Individual Research in 1998, and the Department of the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award in 2000. His recent research has specialized in the processing of array data from Autonomous Undersea Vehicles.
ATI’s Advanced Undersea Warfare Course Instructors
Capt. James Patton (USN ret.) is President of Submarine Tactics and Technology, Inc. and is considered a leading innovator of pro- and anti-submarine warfare and naval tactical doctrine. His 30 years of experience includes actively consulting on submarine weapons, advanced combat systems, and other stealth warfare-related issues to over 30 industrial and government entities.
Commodore Bhim Uppal former Director of Submarines for the Indian Navy and he is now a consultant with American Systems Corporation. He has direct experience onboard FOXTROT, KILO, and Type 1500 diesel electric submarines. He has over 25 years of experience in diesel submarines with the Indian Navy and can provide a unique insight into the thinking, strategies, and tactics of foreign submarines. He helped purchase and evaluate Type 1500 and KILO diesel submarines.
Times, Dates, and Locations
Either of these courses can be scheduled on-site at your facility. For the times, dates and locations of all of our short courses, please access our schedule.