Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo is the only crewed suborbital vehicle in flight test today, and the only such vehicle based on a spacecraft that has already sent humans into space, the X Prize-winning SpaceShipOne. So it comes as no surprise that NASA chose SpaceShipTwo to handle suborbital flights. According to NASA, Virgin Galactic offers a significantly […]
Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo is the only crewed suborbital vehicle in flight test today, and the only such vehicle based on a spacecraft that has already sent humans into space, the X Prize-winning SpaceShipOne. So it comes as no surprise that NASA chose SpaceShipTwo to handle suborbital flights. According to NASA, Virgin Galactic offers a significantly larger cabin than any other company taking deposits today, allowing for unique technology demonstrations and research. With several flight providers selected, NASA will now be able to begin the process of offering these flight opportunities to the research community. Read more here.