Applied Technology Institute offers a short technical course, Underwater Acoustics For Biologists and Conservation Managers, on April 17-19, 2012 in Washington, DC area. We thought the news below would be of interest to our readers. It appears that yet another magnificent creature of the deep, a member of the endangered southern resident killer whales, was […]

Applied Technology Institute offers a short technical course,
Underwater Acoustics For Biologists and Conservation Managers, on April 17-19, 2012 in Washington, DC area. We thought the news below would be of interest to our readers.
It appears that yet another magnificent creature of the deep, a member of the endangered southern resident killer whales, was killed by NAVY exercises.
The body of the three-year-old female whale,L112, known both as Sooke and Little Victoria, washed up on a beach near Long Beach, Washington, shortly after the Canadian navy was using sonar in Juan de Fuca Strait.
According to witnesses, sonar pings, which were recorded by a series of hydrophones, were preceded by an explosion.
The necropsy conducted by the experts shows that the whale died from “significant trauma”.
This caused an outrage in environmental community, including David Suzuki Foundation, Georgia Strait Alliance, Greenpeace, Living Oceans, Raincoast Conservation Foundation, Sierra Club B.C., Western Canada Wilderness Committee and the World Wildlife Fund.
Under Canada’s Species At Risk Act the killer whales are listed as endangered spices.
All of the above mentioned organizations call for ending of the military exercises in the a release of all information about activities in the area that might have contributed to Sooke’s death.
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