Ocean Science

Since there has been some incredible space exploration news in the last several days, it only seems fitting that I should remind all my readers that we should still be fascinated by advances in ocean science too.  The advances we are making in Space are wonderful, but we must simultaneously explore the oceans which are […]

Since there has been some incredible space exploration news in the last several days, it only seems fitting that I should remind all my readers that we should still be fascinated by advances in ocean science too.  The advances we are making in Space are wonderful, but we must simultaneously explore the oceans which are much closer to us, and also contain resources which stand to benefit mankind.

Consider taking the ATI course Applied Physical Oceanography.

This two-day course covers the physical (emphasis on physics) concepts and some of the mathematical background of this exciting field of oceanography. It is designed as a primer for the professional who wants to learn more about the broad field of physical oceanography. There will be a strong emphasis on understanding the basic ocean processes. The course begins with a description of how the ocean system works and the basic governing equations. Other topics range from fundamental small waves to planetary-scale ocean currents, as well as some of the instruments employed to measure them, e.g., Satellite Altimetry. Additional subjects include boundary layers, waves, tides, Ekman flow, and the Gulf Stream. Also studied will be the ocean processes that impact our climate such as El Niño and the Thermohaline Conveyor Belt. It concludes with some research in tide measurements and a discussion of the ‘smaller’ seas, such as the Arctic Ocean!

To learn more about this course, and the Instructor, and to Register, please go here.  Don’t waste any time though, this course is right around the corner, and filling up quickly.