Use this checklist as you prepare your course. It covers all of the essential timelines and components for making your course a success!
6 months prior to course:
- Read instructor guidelines.
- Submit course description in standardized format for consideration.
- Report pre-published textbook needs (if any) to the Course Coordinator
- Report special audiovisual equipment requests to the Course Coordinator.
- Receive formal invitation and Instructor Agreement from ATI, if course is selected.
- Confirm time, date, and length of course with Course Coordinator.
- Check Advance Program (in print and on ATI web) for course description accuracy. (Date, time, description content, instructor biography, etc.)
- Request any needed audiovisual equipment on Instructor Agreement.
- Submit course note master and signed contract with your audiovisual needs. ATI requires the signed contract in hand prior to issuing honoraria.
- Review a copy of your Course Notes for accuracy.
- Check the audiovisual equipment.
- Present course and allow structured time for students to complete evaluations.
Before the course:
After the course: