ATI’s Practical Statistical Signal Processing — using MATLAB, January 9-12, 2012 (Laurel, MD)

Could you use a toolbox of Digital Signal Processing algorithms written by the well-known professor Dr. Stephan Kay, as well as his personal instruction on how to use these algorithms to solve practical problems in your area of work? At his January class you will receive his two textbooks, a set of printed notes, and […]
Could you use a toolbox of Digital Signal Processing algorithms written by the well-known professor Dr. Stephan Kay, as well as his personal instruction on how to use these algorithms to solve practical problems in your area of work? At his January class you will receive his two textbooks, a set of printed notes, and a disk with MATLAB code implementing his algorithms.   ATI’s Practical Statistical Signal Processing — using MATLAB course will be presented on January 9-12, 2012 in Laurel, MD.   This 4-day course covers signal processing systems for radar, sonar, communications, speech, imaging and other applications based on state-of-the-art computer algorithms. These algorithms include important tasks such as data simulation, parameter estimation, filtering, interpolation, detection, spectral analysis, beamforming, classification, and tracking. Until now these algorithms could only be learned by reading the latest technical journals. This course will take the mystery out of these designs by introducing the algorithms with a minimum of mathematics and illustrating the key ideas via numerous examples using MATLAB. Designed for engineers, scientists, and other professionals who wish to study the practice of statistical signal processing without the headaches, this course will make extensive use of hands-on MATLAB implementations and demonstrations. Attendees will receive a suite of software source code and are encouraged to bring their own laptops to follow along with the demonstrations. Each participant will receive two books, Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Vol. I and Vol. 2 by instructor Dr. Kay. A complete set of notes and a suite of MATLAB m-files will be distributed in source format for direct use or modification by the user. See selected samples of the course materials. View course sampler Instructor: Dr. Steven Kay is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Rhode Island and the President of Signal Processing Systems, a consulting firm to industry and the government. He has over 25 years of research and development experience in designing optimal statistical signal processing algorithms for radar, sonar, speech, image, communications, vibration, and financial data analysis. Much of his work has been published in over 100 technical papers and the three textbooks, Modern Spectral Estimation: Theory and Application, Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Estimation Theory,, and Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Detection Theory. Dr. Kay is a Fellow of the IEEE. Tuition: Original: $2,095 Special blog price if you register before January 1, 2012: $1,995 ( We are testing how many people read the ATI blog and will register based on the blog information)   Start your New Year with proper training! Register here.   This link shows you the current SCHEDULE of all courses.   Please circulate the information to any and all you think will be interested courses as well.

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